世界は一つ We Are the World - All Stars.   Message - Hope will not disappear absolutely!
From USA AFRICA From world to the Japan From Allstars China
From Spain loves earth From Balayan for Japan 2011(cover)
Next Generation From Brasil From world (free people)
I assist in UNICEF.
  世界の人達をつなげるメッセージソング。 それが,私達の世界・・・we are the world.
  Message song for people in the world to tie.  It is our world・・・we are the world.
  能連接世界的人們的信息歌 那個,我們的世界・・・we are the world.

  Message de connecter les gens de la chanson du monde. 
  Il est, dans notre monde・・・we are the world.
  Mensaje de conectar a las personas de la cancion del mundo. 
  Es, en nuestro mundo・・・we are the world.

  verbinden die Menschen der Welt song.  Es ist in unserer Welt・・・we are the world.
  Messaggio collegare i popoli del mondo canzone. 
  E il nostro mondo・・・we are the world.

  貴方は,どれだけの魂を救うことができますか? 心で聞いてみませんか?
  Can you save the soul of how much? Do not you listen to your heart?

  貴方可以節省多少的靈魂? 難道貴方不听貴方的靈魂?
  Voce pode salvar a alma de quanto? Por que voce nao ouvir o seu coracao?
  Kann man die Seele wie viel sparen? Warum gehst du nicht auf dein Herz horen?
  Riuscirai a salvare l'anima di quanto? Perche non ascoltare il vostro cuore?
  Pouvez-vous sauver l'ame de combien? Pourquoi ecoutez-vous pas a votre c?ur?
  Kan man gemme sjal hvor meget? Hvorfor tager du ikke lytte til dit hjerte?